Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We're located right in Science Park at 310 Winchester Avenue, New Haven.

When do you open?!

We already are! Stop by to visit us.

Is there parking?

Yes! There are many free street parking spots in front of and within a block of our door. 

If you are running late or in a pinch, there is a parking garage located directly next to our space where we have a special member rate of $1 for 90 minutes.

What are your hours?

We will have classes throughout the day to fit into your schedule as well as Open Gym. Visit our class schedule to find our daily coaching hours.

Open Gym is available to all Unlimited and Open Gym members from 5am-10pm daily through our door access system.

What are the membership options?

You've got options! 

We offer class based memberships, open gym, and one-on-one training. Find all the details here.

Do you offer any discounts?

Sure do!

  • Pay for 6 months of class based membership in advance and save 5%
  • Pay for 12 months of class based membership in advance and save 10%
  • 10% student discount with valid student ID
  • 10% Yale employee discount
  • 10% healthcare, veteran, and first responder discount
  • Same household pricing when your spouse or partner also joins

What types of classes do you offer?

We offer functional fitness, powerlifting, olympic weightlifting, and MovNat® classes. We plan to expand our offerings as we settle into the space. 

Can I do my personal programming at your facility?

Yes! We are athletes, too, and understand that each person has unique goals and needs in their routines. If you have personal programming, you are welcome to come in for Open Gym. 

How do I get into the gym?

Members with an unlimited membership, open gym, or personal training clients can use the Brivo Mobile Pass app to unlock the doors. Read how to redeem your mobile pass on the Brivo website. If you have trouble, one of our coaches or trainers can help.